Give citizens a participation NFT for attending your office hours, town halls, twitter spaces, IRL events, and more.
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Give citizens a participation NFT for attending your office hours, town halls, twitter spaces, IRL events, and more.
Last updated
FLOAT is a proof of attendance/participation platform.
It is most popularly used by managers of a city to give their citizens NFTs for attending events that happen within their city.
Examples of events:
Town Halls (weekly/monthly recaps that happen in your Discord)
Twitter Spaces
IRL meetups
Office Hours
A list of use cases to help you utilize FLOAT.
Give citizens a unique NFT reward for coming to your events.
City managers often use FLOAT to keep track of who is attending various events in their city. Because FLOAT is entirely on-chain, and thus entirely public, anyone can see who owns their FLOATs and whether or not you attended certain events.
Using Emerald bot, you can give citizens who own a specific FLOAT certain roles in Discord. Then you can create channels (chat rooms) that are private to only citizens with that role. This means you can use FLOAT to easily set up gated chat rooms for active community members.